Friday, November 27, 2009

Tis The Season

Thanksgiving has come and gone and Christmas is upon us. It is indeed the most wonderful time of the year.
This Sunday morning we will begin a new series I'm calling "Searching for Christmas." There are so many people that look for Christmas in the wrong places. It is not about us. While we become engrossed in shopping for everyone on our list, our thoughts should be on a manger in a barn in a tiny hamlet called Bethlehem.
It was there that a child, the Son of God, left the glories of heaven to come to this filthy planet to be born of humble people in order to die on a cross for us.
This time of the year, just like Easter, offers wonderful opportunities for Christians to share their faith with others. While standing in the checkout line, be bold in your testimony about what Christmas means to you.
In fact, don't be afraid to say "Merry Christmas." If the cashier says "Happy Holidays" just smile and say "Merry Christmas!" That simple statement is witnessing.
Plan to be in God's house every Sunday through the end of the year as we Search for Christmas. Don't forget that the Sunday before Christmas, the Lawson Baptist Choir will present A Night of Hope during the morning service. Invite someone to come with you.