Monday, May 21, 2012

Let's Start Over

You may have noticed in the news last week that the State of Florida gave a new standardized writing test to students and the scores were less than stellar. In fact, they were awful. A reported 27 percent of fourth-graders had proficient scores on the test. That was down significantly from last year’s 81 percent.

State education officials panicked and decided that the best thing to do was to lower the passing score on the test. Did you catch that? In order to make sure that students succeeded on the exam, the passing grade was lowered.

My first reaction was, “Where was that rationale when I was a student?” I could have used a boost in several classes…History, Algebra, English, Biology, Physical Education. Okay, basically every class I took. Now, however, I’m glad to say I did get the grades I got on my own merits, without the entire state having to step in and save me.

But this got me to thinking. If a state can reconfigure such things and they are accepted as fact, I’ve got some revisions I would like to make. I am now six-foot four, a solid 210 pounds. I shoot 18 holes of golf consistently in the low 80’s. I now possess the oratorical skills of Winston Churchill and can dunk over Tim Duncan on his best day. Ladies swoon over me, boys want to grow up to be me and dogs follow me, wagging their tails. Yes, life is good…if the state will say so.

It doesn’t work that way, does it? We can’t just lower standards or elevate our accomplishments just because, well, just because. A low score on a test is still a low score no matter what some entity may decree.

God’s Word tells us in Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians that each man’s work will become evident. He was speaking in terms of working for the Lord, but the connotation is still relevant in our personal lives. We are called to give our very best, and should that fall short of someone else’s ideal, then God will still bless it.

We can’t all be perfect. In fact only one person was and they crucified Him. Let’s simply give our best and do it for God’s glory. That should be enough.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A Hot Potato

Okay, I understand going into this one that some of you may disagree with me. That's okay. But understand, I'm not changing my position and I'll still love you in Christ anyway.
Now that we've established the ground rules, I'll barge ahead with this commentary.
Let me state upfront that I am extremely disappointed that our President has come out in favor of homosexual marriage. (You can call it "gay"marriage if you like, I'll refrain.) I believe that he has entered into dangerous territory.
Many will call me homophobic which is a term that angers me. My dictionary defines homophobic as "unreasoning fear of or antipathy toward homosexuals." I have neither. I love those individuals claiming that lifestyle as much as anyone. The apostle John implores us to love everyone and I try to do just that.
My opinion is simply rooted in Scripture, and there is plenty there to oppose such behavior. We can begin with the episode in Genesis 18 and 19 regarding Lot in Sodom. I won't quote it verse by verse but I encourage you to do your own Bible Study. There is also a stern rebuke in Leviticus 20:13. Also, try on Ezekial 16:49-50 for size. Some will try to spin such to-the-point language another way, but there it is in black and white.
If you want to argue that the Old Testament is out of date, then let's move ahead to the New Testament. Check out Romans 1:21; 26-27, I Corinthians 6:9-10 and Jude 7.
Folks, we have to choose to believe all of God's Word or none of it. We can't pick and choose only what we like.
Now, I believe homosexuality is a sin. But so is greed, lust, envy and the rest of the things laid out for us the Lord detests. And I'm guilty of many of them. They are all sin in His sight. We are told He cannot look upon sin. So while I am not any better than anyone else, at least I am willing to acknowledge and own up to my sin and not try to hide behind popular opinion.
Remember, just because popular opinion might say it's alright, it doesn't make it right in God's eyes.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Satan's Beattitudes

Christ's Sermon on Mount contains some of the best preaching one can find anywhere. Contained in that epic piece of theology is The Beattitudes found in the fifth chapter of Matthew's gospel. But did you ever consider that maybe Satan, too, has his own beattitudes. I found this a while back and thought it was very appropriate for this day and age.
*Blessed are those who are too tired, too busy, too distracted to spend an hour once a week with their fellow Christians in church, they are my best workers.
*Blessed are those Christians who wait to be asked and expect to be thanked, I can use them.
*Blessed are the touchy, with a bit of luck they may stop going to church, they are my missionaries.
*Blessed are those who are very religious but get on everyone's nerves, they are mine forever.
*Blessed are the troublemakers, they shall be called my children.
*Blessed are those who have no time to pray, they are easy prey for me.
*Blessed are the gossipers, for they are my secret agents.
*Blessed are those critical of church leadership, for they shall inherit a place with me in my fate.
*Blessed are the complainers, I'm all ears for them.
*Blessed are you when you read this and think it is about other people and not yourself, I've got you!
Folks, we are the Army of God. We can't fight against the enemy when there is infighting amongst ourselves. There is a war to be won. Onward, Christian Soldiers!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Cost of Revenge

An interesting item hit the newswires this week. Maybe you heard about it.It seems a dentist in Poland is facing charges after allegedly pulling out all of a patients teeth on a recent visit. The problem is he only had one tooth giving him trouble. Now she has troubles of her own.
As Paul Harvey used to say, here's the rest of the story.
Anna Mackowiak is the dentist in question. It seems her ex-boyfriend came to see her with a toothache. Marek Olszewski had ended their relationship just weeks before the office visit. Maybe it wasn't the smartest thing to do, but he was depending on her professionalism to end his pain. Apparently he forgot about hers.
"I tried to be professional and detach myself from my emotions," she explained. However, she couldn't let bygones be bygones. She then sedated Olszewski and removed all his teeth. When he recovered she uttered what could possibly be the biggest understatement of the year. "You're going to need to see a specialist."
No kidding. Unfortunately, she is going to have to see a judge.
Now let's be honest. We kind of like that story. Who among us has not wanted to exact revenge on someone who has wronged us? I know I have. But taking revenge can ruin us spiritually.
Taking revenge can destroy our relationships with others. Such actions also show our lack of faith in God who has vowed that He will avenge us.
Remember, how we handle feelings of revenge speaks volumes about our character. Giving in to desires to "get even" can ruin our Christian witness. We would be well advised to understand that when we take matters into our own hands, we are stepping into God's territory.