Saturday, September 4, 2010

New Year

Happy New Year! Yeah, I know it's not 2011 just yet but it is a new church year. The first Sunday in September is recognized as the time of new beginning as the young folks trudge back to school. At Lawson Baptist, it's time for promotion to new classes for some of the youth.

I'm excited about the new church year. We've added a new staff member. Bud Rice is our Youth Pastor. Technically, he is the Associate Pastor for Youth and Education. Many of us came to know Bud through this past softball season as he played shortstop for our team while he pastored Point of Grace Church in Strong. We are looking forward to his leadershp with the young people and welcome him and his family to LBC.

We are also putting a different emphasis on one of our Sunday School classes. Our young adults will be putting biblical principles to use in everyday life. The class will be centered on video lessons and discussions. Christian authors such as Max Lucado, John Ortberg and Beth Moore will be featured in this class which will be led by Mike Hill and Bud Rice.

I look forward to great things at Lawson in the coming year. Make it your New Church Year resolution to be in God's House every week!