Friday, August 28, 2009

Spiritual Warfare

On Wednesday night, I shared with those at our mid week Bible Study how Satan is still very much alive and well on this planet. We read Revelation 12:9 which tell us that Satan "...was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him." That means he and countless thousands of his cohorts are active among us, trying to wreck our lives and cause us to stumble in our walk with the Lord.
Looking down to verse 17 the Scripture says, "Then the dragon was enraged...and went off to make war against...those who obey God's commandments and hold to the testimony of Jesus." That means Satan is mad and he is taking aim at you every waking moment.
It's amazing that we, and I'm just as guilty, often get up each morning, get dressed, go to work or school, try to get some work done, come home and feed the cat, eat supper, watch television, try to connect with our families, go to bed and get up the next morning and go through the routine again without giving thought to Satan constantly attacking us.
And we've just read that we have an enemy that is trying to wreck our lives and then wonder why we aren't enjoying the abundant life that we should have in Christ!
Satan is the father of lies and he is telling you that you don't have time for prayer or you're not good enough for God to bless you or God is too busy to listen to you. We don't even see this as Satan at work.
Folks, we've got to recognize this liar for who he is. We are children of the Almighty. We've got to everyday ask God to battle for us. Quit accepting defeat as normal, as just the way things are. Satan takes every victory he can get. They add up and after a while we feel the weight of the world upon us.
If we want the life Christ has promised us remember Galations 5:1. "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." We are in a war against the prince of darkness. Onward Christian Soldiers! Look to our Commander and call on Him to defeat the one who would deny us to live a life of victory.

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