Sunday, June 12, 2011

Counting Blessings

The family and I went through a very trying time this past week. For four days we suffered without air conditioning in our house. The compressor in our unit crashed and of course the warranty expired six months ago!
We (okay, I) complained every day that passed without the repair guy getting the thing fixed. We moved in temporarily with my mother-in-law and even though she normally keeps her house at a higher temperature that we usually do, it still felt good compared the mid 80's our house was experiencing.
Then reality struck. As I watched the news events coming out of Arizona as thousands of acres were engulfed in flames, I quickly became very grateful for the minor irritation we were having to endure. Hundreds and hundreds of homes were being lost as the fires raged out of control. At least I had still had a home.
The old hymn Count Your Blessings became very real to me. The songs dares us to name our blessings "one by one." There is no way I can do that because the blessings God has given me cannot be numbered. They are immeasurable and I am so very thankful.
The air is back on at my house and life is good. I pray that next time one of these "tragedies" that happens to disrupt my way of life will only make me thankful all the sooner.

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