Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day

On this Father's Day I was reading Paul's Second Letter to Timothy in which the apostle commends Timothy's mother and grandmother for being a godly influence on the young preacher. It occurred to me that what Timothy experienced growing up is very similar to so many American young people today.
Where is the father? Is the dad being the spiritual leader God has required of men? Thank God for moms who take up the slack and make sure their children are receiving instruction in the Word. But guys, it's us, the men, who should be leading our children in the things of God.
A while back I found some interesting statistics. Digest these numbers...
1. If both your parents worshipped with you regularly while you were growing up, there's an 80% liklihood you'll worship God regularly as an adult.
2. If only your mother worshipped regularly with you, there's only a 30% probability that you'll worship regularly as an adult.
3. If only your father worshipped regularly with you, the liklihood that you'll worship regularly as an adult increases to 70%.
Fathers have an enormous impact on their children's faith and values. One of your most important ministries is worshipping with your children!

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