Saturday, June 25, 2011

Vanishing Virtues-Honesty

This Sunday we begin a new morning series entitled Vanishing Virtues. We will begin with the subject of honesty.
The story has been told of a bank employee who was due for a promotion. One day at lunch the president of the bank, who happened to be standing behind the employee in the cafeteria, saw him slip two pats of butter under his slice of bread so they wouldn't be seen by the cashier.
That little act of dishonesty cost him his promotion. Just a few pennies' worth of butter made the difference. The bank president reasoned that if an employee cannot be trusted in little things he cannot be trusted at all.
I'm afraid that honesty is vanishing from many Americans lives. Too often we see our politicians lie about cheating on their spouses or taking money in dishonest ways. Sadly, we are seeing that happening more and more with those in the ministry. We see athletes faking something in a game to get a favorable call from an official.
I am convinced that God will not, in fact He cannot, bless Christians who participate in such activity. Wherever we find ourselves...on the job, away from home, anywhere there is temptation...if no one else may catch us, God is watching. Don't lose your blessing

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